Wednesday, May 19, 2010

backyard bliss

to me, the best things in life are: sunshine, a drink, and a good read.
ok so maybe not the BEST things, but some of the best! yesterday (and once again today) i sat in my backyard enjoying some magazines and books while sipping on some lemonade and then breaking out the deck of cards and playing card games with le sisterrrr. today its going to be a whopping 24 degrees Celsius in Toronto, not that hot but definitely warm enough to possibly get a tan and sit outside sleeveless! before i head back outside i'll have to hit the gym up to feel like i've accomplished more than sitting. BTW, I finally got a job, a REAL job...aka 40hrs/week permanent! horray for me! maybe i will finally be able to do some posting later on with some fabulous new wardrobe items courtesy of my new paycheques to come! for now: enjoy the pictures and if you have time to sit in the sunshine today i highly recommend it!!!! :)


  1. first - that is an amazing afternoon
    second - that bitch cup is pretty rad
    third- you have the most perfect haircut! no, seriously, i tried to get this like 2 years ago and it just didn't work out, no matter the effort it just didn't look like this... i'm so jealous!

  2. come on ayla, blackberry...really?

    get on the iphone train girl.
